Hi again! Today I am going to show you how we can do a Clil lesson with pictures from internet. We have to take care with the photos that we choose from internet because there have authors and we have to be respectful with the copyright.
At the end of the post; there will be the links where you can to download images and see the authors and the Creative Commons.
It´s very important be an example for little children in many cases. One of the most important is the nutrition.
I do a lesson related with the importance of eating healthy food. Also my students will learn to distinguish between good food and fast food. They will learn which aliments they should avoid and which others should consume more frequently.
They will share with their classmates what they usually eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I will make four activities with the different pictures that I have chosen.
The first one is try to identify the different foods and tell if they have ever eaten. In the second activity they should say if there are healthy or unhealthy aliments. In the third one activity they will classify the foods in: vegetables, fruits, cereals, pasta, etc. The last activity will be create a menu in pairs with the help of the food pyramid image that they have in their books (we can find also in internet).
CCO 1.0 By: Alexas_Fotos |
CC0 1.0 By: Gellinger |
CCO 1.0 By: Neciodesalida
CC0 1.0 By: Ponce_photography |
CC0 1.0 By: Meditations |
In conclusion is not a lesson to learn only the kinds of food. The goal is to raise awareness about the importance of take care our body. They have to know that we need to do exercise but also eat as well as we can. Don´t forget that they are children and they have to enjoy life and try all kinds of food.
I have chosen these images because I think that are very colorful and atractive for kids. Also they know and maybe they triyed this foods during their lifes.
To sum up, creative common licenses do not replace copyrights but rely on coughs to allow you to modify the terms and conditions of the license of your work in the way that best satisfy your needs.
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