Hi everybody,
Today I would like to show you how to create a blog. If you are a person who is not very good at using technologies, don't worry! It is so easy!. I have created with Blogger, but there are more options to do it.
You can create one following these steps:
Search on internet: BLOGGER
First of all you have to create an account with an user and a password.
Choose a title and make a description about yourself and what you want to show through the blog. Then setting the background, the type of letter, the gidgets, plugins, etc. When you have all ready, you can start doing your first post. Try to be original and creative.
Why create a blog?
I have to say that as a teacher I consider very important share your ideas and also consider the ideas of the rest of your colleges. If you want to keep in touch with different people and learn from them this is the way.
To be a good blogger, you only need must to organize your ideas before writing. Also you must be careful with the information that you choose from other pages, you must be respectful with others.
When you have a blog, you will have a eternal notebook!
I would like to recommend you pages where you can create a free blog :
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