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Hi everyone! This is going to be my last post as student. It is the end of ICT subject. It´s time to look back all that I have learned. I have to say that I have improved my  ICT skills. I was worried at the beginning of this subject because I was´t really good at technologies. Now I am proud of me because I know a lot of things, I am able to use several resources that I will use in my future as a teacher. I consider very important learn ICT as a teacher because nowadays children are getting used to with technologies. It is a good method to catch their attention and to make them an effective learning. It´s difficult to put the whole subject in a video. First I created a presentation using genial. ly  then I record my screen while I explained the presentation with  screencast-o-magic . Later on I uploud to youtube . In the presentation I have explained all topics that I have learned. I have tried to show how you can use all the resources, you will see there link...
Recent posts


Hello, Today I would like to speak about #twima8 that is an educational collaborative project worldwide. In this project teachers and students from all the world have the opportunity to share their stories. All people have their own story and have the opportunity to share with others have a lot of benefits. Share stories create empathy and also you can learn from each other. Also listen people let you open your mind.  You can spend a little time learning from the others experiences. I used the Flipgrid App  in order to record my experience video. This platform, let people to connect and socialize with others. I used the webcam from my laptop, is so easy to use and very fast. You only need to be relaxed and share your history. Flipgrid allow you to record a video of just five minutes so you have to know before what you would like to talk. With the hashtag #twima8 all stories are connected with each other. I´ve really enjoyed record my video. I am a bit embarrass...


Hello, as I told you in my last post , here you have the rest of the project in more details. I did with my group "Girl power" that is formed by: Silvia Gato , Patricia Portela , Lucia Roza , Laura Carballo and me. We really enjoyed the process because all of us worked hard and we share responsabilities. First of all we have prepared all materials before going to the Ministry: clothes, accessories and visuals. We went there to Future classroom Lab where we found the resources necessaries for us to record the video like the chroma wall. We had funny moments there. We practiced the dialogues and we spent 50 minutes recording the video. We recorded the video in order to use it in a flipped classroom. Do you know what is a flipped classroom? Is a blended learning strategy with the aim to improve student engagement and outcomes. This methodology let teacher use their free time to support and asses the students. I think the video will be really useful in class becaus...


Hi everybody, Today I would like to write a post speaking about an storyboard that I have done with my group: "Girl power". My group is from my university we are doing a Bilingual Master in the URJC (Rey Juan Carlos University). The main of this project is that our students know more about the important woman in the history: Who they were? What they did? What the did accomplice? They will see the importance of women in the different areas: writer, pinter,singer, politician,queen,etc). The goals of our project are: - To work democratic values -To know the importance of women thought history -To know what is women accomplish and why these accomplishments were important -To be aware of the gender equality -To work in groups First of all, we created a draft. We decided who will develop each role, the dialogues, the scenes, the materials that we will need, the costumes, etc. We used a Google Doc to created the collaborative document : It most important is to organ...

Content Curation Tools

Hi everybody, Today I am going to write about Content curation. Do you know what is this? First of all think for a while...when you are looking on the web about some topic, how many time do you usually spend on it? In my case I have spent a lot of time, but now I know how to do it faster. I have discovered: Content Curation. Nowadays there are a lot of resources that you can find on internet and sometimes you spent many time clicking and clicking. For that reason I started to use Content Curation. First of all you can organize all your resources and also linked to other resources that are very useful. There are different tools to start curating content: Pinterest Pearltrees Symbaloo Listly I have worked with Pinterest because for me is intuitive and easy. Also there you will find resources about all topics. I am going to explain a little more about Pinterest. First of all Pinterest is a web page that serves as a virtual board, you can discover, organiz...

WEBINAR about online training and digital competence

Hi everybody, Today I would like to talk you about an interesting topic.Last tuesday I have attended to a online conference in WEBINAR , where I learned about an interesting information for teacher´s training. As a teacher I have to write about this because I think that it´s something that many people don´t know and is really engaging. I would like to start remarking that the webinar carried out by Maria Jesús García, my ICT teacher from de University (Rey Juan Carlos). You can follow her on twitter if you clip here . She spoke about different "free courses". There are trainig initiatives and each initiative has its own learning experience. You can improve your digital competence for education. I would like to explain you more in details each of them. All of them are made for the Ministry of Esducation. MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). There are aimed at a large number of participants through internet.  This kind of courses have a duration of...


Hi everybody, Here I am again! Today I am going to show you a creative project that I have created. I would like to start by explaining what a podcast is and how you can use in your classroom. A podcast is an audio file that you can use to improve the level of english of your students. Also will improve self-confidence with the language grammar. It is useful in all subjects but specially in those related with language. Fist of all I will explain you how to create a podcast. There are several tools and apps where you can create an online podcasting. The one that I used is SoundCloud . There you can make your own playlist. It is very useful and easy. To get started you have to register with your google account, Facebook or email, then you will have your profile where you can organize and personalize. The audio tracks that you record can be share, tagged and categorized as you like it. Where can I record my audio tracks? It is so easy. I have used Audacity . You must download i...