Hi everyone!
This is going to be my last post as student. It is the end of ICT subject. It´s time to look back all that I have learned.
I have to say that I have improved my ICT skills. I was worried at the beginning of this subject because I was´t really good at technologies. Now I am proud of me because I know a lot of things, I am able to use several resources that I will use in my future as a teacher. I consider very important learn ICT as a teacher because nowadays children are getting used to with technologies. It is a good method to catch their attention and to make them an effective learning.
It´s difficult to put the whole subject in a video. First I created a presentation using genial. ly then I record my screen while I explained the presentation with screencast-o-magic. Later on I uploud to youtube. In the presentation I have explained all topics that I have learned. I have tried to show how you can use all the resources, you will see there links and a little explanation about how to used it. I do a review of all pages, resources and tools as: Twitter, Toontastic, Prezi, Pinterest, etc.
I hope you like it and use in the future some of the resources that I show you...
See you soon :)
Here you have my final video:
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