Hi everybody,
Today I would like to talk you about an interesting topic.Last tuesday I have attended to a online conference in WEBINAR, where I learned about an interesting information for teacher´s training. As a teacher I have to write about this because I think that it´s something that many people don´t know and is really engaging.
I would like to start remarking that the webinar carried out by Maria Jesús García, my ICT teacher from de University (Rey Juan Carlos). You can follow her on twitter if you clip here. She spoke about different "free courses". There are trainig initiatives and each initiative has its own learning experience. You can improve your digital competence for education. I would like to explain you more in details each of them. All of them are made for the Ministry of Esducation.
MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). There are aimed at a large number of participants through internet. This kind of courses have a duration of four or five weeks with an estimated effort of 5 hours per week, and atended to a large variety of participants. These courses are still be good for learning active methodologies and to promote profesional learning communities. Participants receive badges which certify their digital competence level. The main objective of these courses is to show how to use technologies for educational purposes. You will find courses from "virtual reality", "management of educational spaces", "digital competent educational organizations", to a course called "Teacher academy" that offers information to european teachers about how to improve their skills and abilities in their schools.
NOOC (Massive Nano Online Course). These courses are gives participants the oportunity to be evaluated, explore and learn on a key element of a competency, skill or área of knowlegde. Their lenght is around 20 hours, that´s why they are called as nano courses. Is a open and online training course that have a registration, opening and ending dates. From the momento of registration you will have the materials available. It must includes activities trought participants can demostrate the learning acquired, the goal achieved and the competence development. When you finish a course, you will have the acreditation of having passed the NOOC.
EDUPILL. It´s an app of micro training for teachers focused on develop and acquire digital skills in a simple and fast way. It has free download for Android mobile and IOs. This make posible that any teacher can consume from a mobile device at any ime and from anywhere. Nowadays most of peopler have a mobile phone. Here you will find pills about communication, creation, information and security.
SPOOC. There is no deadline for the attainment of these courses. Are totally free. Here you have the oportunity to develop your educational skills, you have your own learning speed, you can improve your digital skills and also develop autonomous learning habits.
PORTFOLIO OF THE DIGITAL TEACHING COMPETENCE. This Project has been develop by the National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training(INTEF). The main objetive is to promote the acquisition, development and improvement of the Digital Competence Teacher. It has the following structure:
Biography where you describe your personal and profesional data.
Self-assessment where you can evaluate your digital teaching competence in the five áreas on the Common Framework of Teaching Digital Competence (INTEF)
Evidence holder, that offers you the opportunity to organize those evidences that you consider to support your Teaching Digital Competence. You can add, organize and label your certificates, badges, projects, resources, etc.
Passport is the fourth step, that show you the level has been reached as well as a general view of the evidences that support it. You can add all that you want in your biography and at the same time your Digital Competence Passport will bring up to date. If you wish you can make it public and share in your difital networks.
To register you only need to follow a few simple steps:
Here you can see more about Portfolio
I have had knowledge of all what I have told you previously and I think that is my greatest Discovery. As a teacher I know that training it is something that takes place during our whole life. For that reason I have no hesitation in recommending you take a look of these webs and looking for something that make up you interest and sing up for it. There are very interesting courses that will help you to improve. In my opinión the most importat aspect is that these courses adapt to you.
I hope this post motivate you to try. All of us have something to improve on, and maybe this is your moment.
See you soon =)
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