Hi everybody,
To use press you only need register and just it! People use yo make presentations, infographics, templates, images, etc.
Today I would like to show you different resources that you can use in all subjects.
During your life, I am sure that you have had to use programs to do a presentation. One of the most popular is Power Point, because is easy to use and also is free. But we have to keep in mind that there are a lot of programs and applications to make a new and original presentation. Here you have modern resources that you can use to create presentations in a engaging way:
- Genially
I check all of them and I think that are easy to use and also free as Power Point.
All of these programs have many options to make your presentation more attractive. You can insert audio, video, images, movements, symbols, etc. Furthermore you will have all your presentations inside the program and you will able yo modify when you want.
I am going to show you an example of a presentation with Prezi.
To use press you only need register and just it! People use yo make presentations, infographics, templates, images, etc.
I hope you enjoy this post :)
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